Martial Arts: Private Training vs. Group Classes
Signing up for a martial arts program at a school provides experienced instructors who can help structure, guide, and support you in your practice. Most schools typically offer a few different training options for their [...]
3 Reasons to Practice Martial Arts as a Family
If you’ve been considering enrolling in a martial arts program, have you also considered getting your whole family involved? Or maybe one of your kids or your wife already has a martial arts practice? Now [...]
Gain Self-Confidence Through Martial Arts
Martial arts is so much more than kicks and punches. Students of all ages can gain mental and physical confidence by learning basic techniques, building on those techniques, and challenging their fitness levels. With more [...]
6 Leadership Skills Developed Through Martial Arts
On the surface, martial arts may appear to be a 100% physical activity. In a martial arts practice, you’ll learn techniques, philosophies, and systems to achieve your martial arts goals. But you’ll also learn valuable [...]
4 Social Skills Kids Develop through Martial Arts
Martial arts classes provide an excellent environment for kids to learn important life lessons, including valuable social skills. In a structured class, kids work on building relationships, getting along with each other, and understanding one [...]
3 Ways to Commit to Your 2020 Resolutions
You’ve probably heard the statistics on setting new year’s resolutions. By mid-February, eighty percent of 2020’s resolution-ers will have abandoned their goals. Those chances for success point out two things. First, if you have a [...]
Doing Well, By Doing Good
Develop the skills and confidence that you will use for the rest of your life.