If you’ve been considering enrolling in a martial arts program, have you also considered getting your whole family involved? Or maybe one of your kids or your wife already has a martial arts practice? Now is a great time to get involved as well.

Here are three reasons to practice martial arts as a family:

1. Share a common interest.

When family members share a common interest, it can bring them closer together. Not only do you have something in common, but you can also share what you like about martial arts and what you’d like to accomplish with your family members. And celebrating individual successes with your family becomes more meaningful because you all have a sense of what it takes.


2. Fitness for the whole family.

Martial arts is a great way to be active and grow together as a family. Adults who participate in a regular physical activity, like martial arts, set an excellent example for their kids. By committing to a martial arts practice, you’re showing your kids that exercise is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Encouraging your kids to try martial arts gets them physically active and interacting with other kids. Not only will your kids learn valuable self-defense skills, but they’ll also improve their health and fitness.

3. Accountability for goals.

Each member of a family probably has one or two personal martial arts goals that they’re working toward. You might all enroll in different martial arts programs, but that doesn’t matter. When you share your goals with your family, you will always have a supportive group of people to motivate, encourage, and hold you accountable.

Karate Families in Tarzana is a family-friendly school where your whole family can train and have fun while learning self-defense skills. To learn more about how to get started, contact us today.